Heal trauma and emotional wounds at their deeper roots

Virtual Individual Psychotherapy for Adults in California

Jonathan Lee, LMFT
| CA LMFT 122758

Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST) Certified Practitioner & Senior Trainer

Brainspotting Practitioner

Does this sound familiar?

You’ve needed changes in your life, but for too long, your efforts get complicated by self-sabotage and triggered reactions.

When triggered, you prefer to isolate and withdraw so you don’t need to worry more about straining your relationships.

You’ve had to be self-reliant for so long that you can’t imagine asking for what you need without feeling selfish or worrying about burdening others.

There’s been less room for meaningful connection, play, and joy in your life, because much of your attention is preoccupied with anticipating harm or preventing social rejection. 

At any “wrong turn” unrelenting self-criticism can take over. So you’ve adapted by carefully monitoring your feelings, thoughts, and decisions. 

You know that you’re self-aware. You may have even become knowledgeable about your struggles. But you don’t know how to implement the steps towards actual deep and lasting healing and change

You are not alone. And you are courageous for taking steps to invest in skilled, specialized help.

If you’re considering seeking mental health support with me, you’re in the right place.

My name is Jon (they/them/theirs). I’m experienced, trained, and specialized in helping trauma survivors heal emotional and relational wounds at their deeper roots.

Using approaches informed by cutting edge mind-body research, anti-oppressive frameworks, and cultural sensitivity, I can help you become less influenced by your painful past and more in charge of your life in the present and future. The clarity, healing, growth, mental flexibility, and skills gained through our work will be priceless and yours forever. 

To get started, schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with me. During this call, we’ll talk through any questions you have and determine if we’re a good fit to work together. And if we decide we’re not a good fit, I’d be glad to share other trusted options that could work well for your circumstances.

Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation and that is an act of political warfare.
— Audre Lorde

Individual psychotherapy tailored to you

Together, we could help you:

  • heal legacies of traumas, relational wounds, and/or complicated childhood experiences — at their deeper roots

  • become less easily overwhelmed when triggered

  • address dissociative tendencies and experiences

  • break intergenerational cycles

  • navigate complicated relationships

  • recover from effects of narcissistic relationships

  • learn to identify and advocate for your needs

  • become more practiced with enforcing boundaries

  • build resilience from cultural, systemic, and internalized oppression

  • repair and strengthen self-esteem and self-worth

  • feel more in charge of your life

Specialty areas

Get experienced support

  • Trauma, complex / developmental (childhood) trauma

  • Dissociative experiences, plural systems

  • Asian-American and BIPOC mental health

  • Queer and/or gender-expansive experiences

Methods & approaches

Engage your healing capacities

  • Trauma therapy

  • Somatic therapy

  • Parts work therapy

What colleagues are saying

Want to get started? Let’s connect!

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation video call with me, where I can answer any questions you have.